Updates from North Macedonia during COVID-19 crisis

Updated on 8 June Food Bank in Macedonia is making an incredible effort to save surplus food and help the most deprived in the country. As a result of this, during the month of May only, FBMK collected a distributed more than 30 tons of food and hygienic products for the benefit of more than […]

Increase of food for the Food Bank in Greece

The supply of food increased during the lockdown period, but the waste remains a significant problem. It is indicative that since the beginning of the year the offers at the Food Bank in Greece exceed 630 tons with an increase of 50% compared to the corresponding period last year. Especially in April, a record was set in the middle of quarantine, with […]

1 million kilos of fruit and vegetables for Food Banks in Netherlands

The Groente & Fruitbrigade has saved 1,000,000 kilos of fruit and vegetables from waste and delivered them to Food Banks since 2018, thanks to the involvement of volunteers and new suppliers. In these times it appears even more important than usual to provide the poorest people in the Netherlands with fruit and vegetables. Given the […]

FEAD reaches almost 13 million people in the EU including many children

The European Commission adopted a summary report on the implementation of the Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived in 2018 based on the reports submitted by the Member States. In 2018 an estimated 12.6 million people benefited from FEAD food assistance, 1 million received basic material assistance and 39,000 benefited from social inclusion […]

Impact of the coronavirus crisis on Europe’s most vulnerable

The coronavirus pandemic is expected to increase the number of deprived people. “Real Economy” a program from Euronews, looks at what impact the coronavirus crisis is having on Europe’s most vulnerable, and what the EU is doing to help them through the Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived (FEAD). Watch the episode of […]