FEBA EU Working Group Meeting 10 May 2022

15 participants from 10 countries joined the online session of the FEBA EU Working Group on 10 May 2022. During the 4th meeting of the year, a selection of topics have been discussed, among them: Updates on the Policy paper “Food Donation to prevent food waste: FEBA’s position on the proposal for EU-level food waste […]

Over 1,000 tonnes of products delivered by the Polish Food Banks to Ukrainians

Since the first day of the war, the Federacja Polskich Banków Żywności (Federation of Polish Food Banks has been actively working to help the Ukrainians, may they be refugees coming to Poland and seeking shelter or people remaining in Ukraine. Until today, the Polish Food Banks have received over 1,000 tonnes of refugee-dedicated food and hygiene donations […]

A new record for the food collection in Hungary

With this year’s collection, Magyar Élelmiszerbank Egyesület reached a huge record: 348 tons of non-perishable food. That counts 223 kilograms donated in each minute of the 3-days-long campaign. They not only far exceeded the last year’s 250 tons, but even surpassed the absolute record from 2019 (284 tons). Tesco has also offered a 20% top-up, […]

Milan wins Earthshot Prize thanks to neighbourhood hub project against food waste

The first edition of the Earthshot Prize was held in London on 17 October 2021, an event organised by Prince William to reward the best initiatives against the climate crisis. The City of Milan, thanks to its neighbourhood hub project against food waste, won one of the five prizes! In recognition of the award, Milan […]