HOTREC, Metro and FEBA collaborate on food donation guidelines

In October 2016, the umbrella association for the hospitality industry in Europe, Hotrec, METRO AG and FEBA signed a framework agreement to collaborate on reducing food waste among cafés, restaurants and hotels. The three parties will support the implementation and use of the newly launched “European hospitality industry guidelines to reduce food waste and to […]

FEBA position paper on EU framework Directive

European Parliament, Council and Commission to start negotiations on the EU Waste Framework Directive FEBA has written a position paper, with six recommendations, to further enhance the focus of food donation in the EU Waste Framework Directive. Read the full position paper here. On March 14Th, the European Parliament adopted MEP Simona Bonafé’s report on […]

Highlights from FEBAs annual convention in Rotterdam

More than 90 delegates from 30 countries traveled to the city to join the two-day annual convention. The convention was kicked-off by the Dutch State Secretary of Social affairs and Employment, Jetta Klijnsma. Mrs. Klijnsma, who is a longtime advocate for food banking, stated that food banks give much more than “just” food: “Food banks […]

FEBA held three peer-visits in 2017

FEBA held three successful peer-visits in 2017. All visits were sponsored by Kellogg. See which best practices were exchanged for each visit:  The Ciechanów food bank (Poland) visited the Courtrai food bank, in Belgium May 30th – June 1st 2017 Best practices exchanged: Close collaboration with the National Federation which funds a large part of […]

Skill sharing in Milan

On October 12th-13th, 15 participants from 14 countries came to Milan to join the “Skill sharing session on fundraising” organized by FEBA in collaboration with the Italian Federation, Banco Alimentare Onlus.  During the two-day session, particpants were guided through the various techniques and strategies to gain new corporate partnerships. This subject was explored from a […]