
8th FEBA EU Working Group

10 participants from 10 countries joined the online session of the FEBA EU Working Group on 12 October 2021.

During its 8th meeting of the year, a selection of topics has been discussed, among them:

  • Updates on FEAD: bilateral meetings with the European Commission, FEAD Community peer exchange meetings, Annual Conference of the FEAD Community meeting taking place in Brussels on 19/10/21 and the report on FEAD Implementation 2020 that FEBA is going to release.
  • Recommendations for Action in Food Waste Prevention: FEBA is going to intervene on this topic in 2 upcoming meetings organised by the European Commission. Therefore, FEBA informed the EU Working Group about the next steps requesting feedbacks and comments to work together on a common position with its members.
  • Study on the Semplified Cost Options (SCOs) on food donation: FEBA would like to discuss this topic with the members of the EU Working Group, to collect feedbacks from them and draft a common FEBA feedback on the topic.
  • EU Food Loss and Waste Prevention Hub: presentation of the new website launched by the European Commission on 29 September 2021 and plan of action of FEBA to contribute in the coming period in a coordinated way.

Last but not least, FEBA shared the calendar for the period October – December 2021 giving a concise overview on the activities scheduled, the tasks FEBA will carry out and the related opportunities for member organisations.

The next appointment of the FEBA EU Working will be held on 8 November 2021 and will be open to the entire FEBA membership.