
FEBA Members save surplus food from The Depeche Mode tour

FEBA recently started a new collaboration with Live Nation Entertainment, the world’s leading live entertainment company that promotes, operates, and manages ticket sales for live entertainment, mainly music concerts. In 2021, Live Nation introduced the Green Nation Touring Program, which is developing industry-leading guidance and best practices to enhance the sustainability of concert tours.  As part of this Program, Live Nation asked FEBA to engage Local Food Banks in recovering and redistributing surplus cooked meals from Depeche Mode’s European tour catering.

The tour takes place in the stadium of several European cities from May to August 2023; some FEBA Members have already recovered meals through the local Food Bank or through an affiliated charitable organisation, others have given their availability to join the project. Between the end of May and June 2023, Fédération Belge des Banques Alimentaires / Belgische Federatie van Voedselbanken (thanks to Foodsavers Antwerpen), Potravinová Banka, and Fédération Française des Banques Alimentaires (thanks to Banque Alimentaire du Rhône, and Banque Alimentaire du Nord) respectively took action in Antwerp (Belgium), Bratislva (Slovakia), Lyon, and Lille (France).