
Solidarity in action: Fédération Française des Banques Alimentaires calls for mobilisation and volunteering!

In its capacity as the leading food aid network in France, Fédération Française des Banques Alimentaires (FFBA) has welcomed over 2.4 million individuals through its 6,000 associations. They ask to collectively remain vigilant so that the ecosystem of solidarity is not weakened. 

FFBA launched a national call for collective mobilisation. For several months, French Food Banks have been warning about the impact of inflation on all activities of their business. In the first quarter of 2023, the number of people seeking assistance surged by 9%, a rate equivalent to the entire increase observed throughout 2022. In the period between 2020 and 2023, the number of people welcomed increased by more than 34%.

The system of the French Food Banks remains strong, but they now confront challenges on the supply issue. Since 2021, they have complemented their supply by adopting a targeted procurement strategy. 

As solidarity logisticians, French Food Banks are also strongly affected by the increase in the cost of energy estimated at about 16 million euros for the entire network. In these circumstances, the French network asks for: 

  • the expansion of the “Programme Mieux Manger pour Tous” within the budget debates,  
  • the continuation of the electricity shock absorber for the non-profit sector, and
  • the government’s mobilisation of additional European funds for food aid. 

Furthermore, they urge their partners in the agricultural sector, agri-food manufacturers, and food industry leaders to amplify and sustain their support, both in terms of quantity and quality.

Finally, they count on everyone’s commitment to fight effectively and concretely against food insecurity. “Join our volunteers throughout France to participate in the National Food Collection, which will take place from  24 to 26 November! The National Food Collection represents 10% of our dry food supply, or 24 million meals in 2022. Volunteering, the lifeblood of our country, is an expression of solidarity and mutual aid. Today, it is more necessary than ever to give meaning to the word Fraternity”, Jean Cottave, President of Fédération Française des Banques Alimentaires. 

Read the source here.