
Welcome Balázs Cseh as FEBA’s new Senior Network Development Advisor

We are delighted to welcome Balázs Cseh to our Network Development Department at FEBA. We are thrilled to have someone of his caliber join us, bringing a wealth of experience and expertise to our team. 

Balazs will play a pivotal role in leading and developing the Network Development Department as we embark on our future plans, many of which will be developed in the coming months. Balazs officially starts on the 1st of February. 


Balázs was inspired by the work of Banques Alimentaires in France and started food banking activities in Hungary in 2005 to fill the existing gap. He is the President of Magyar Élelmiszerbank Egyesület. He first joined the FEBA Board of Directors to foster the sharing of expertise and knowledge but also contribute to the growth of the FEBA network and the scaling up of its activities.