
Sustainable development in the European Union — Overview of progress towards the SDGS in an EU context

Eurostat published a brochure built on the EU SDG indicator set which comprises around 100 indicators structured along the 17 SDGs. It presents a statistical overview of trends for each indicator, described on the basis of a set of specific quantitative rules and focusing on short-term trends over the past five years.

The brochure highlights that “on average, over the last five years of available data — based on the mean scores of the selected indicators — the EU has made progress towards almost all goals. Progress in some goals has been faster than in oth- ers, and within goals there has been movement away from the sustainable development objectives in some areas.” For instance, the report points out that there has been significant progress as regards the reduction of material deprivation (SDG 1) while the shift towards a circular economy (SDG 12) has in part stalled.

The brochure is a light version of Eurostat’s publication “Sustainable development in the European Union — 2020 monitoring report on progress towards the SDGs in an EU context”, presenting its main messages in a visual and concise way.

Download the brochure here.