
Operation “lait du coeur” for the Food Banks in France

Food Banks in France very often lack milk and the current health situation has reinforced the food insecurity situation in which many households find themselves. This situation did not leave the teams of the Laiterie de Saint-Denis-de-L’Hôtel (LSDH) indifferent. The dairy and bottler group has therefore set up a project to raise awareness and bring together milk producers, packaging suppliers and transporters to launch “lait du coeur” with the aim of providing 1 million liters of milk to Food Banks. 2 million people should be able to benefit from it.

Concretely, the producers will donate the milk and the packaging suppliers, the cardboard bricks. LSDH will ensure the collection as well as the packaging. At the beginning of January 2021, the finished products will be sent directly to the French Food Banks.

This solidarity operation on the part of so many actors is exceptional and will enable us to respond quickly to the expectations of the growing number of beneficiaries.” says Claude Baland, President of the Fédération Française des Banques Alimentaires.

Read here the press release (in French).