
FEBA EU Working Group – Let’s start 2021!

On 28 January and 8 February 2021, the European Food Banks Federation organized virtually the first 2 meetings of its EU Working Group for 2021.

2020 was a challenging year and led to many new developments at EU level.?Despite all the difficulties and the commitments,FEBA EU Working Group did not stop its activity but continued – thanks to technology and online systems for conference calls – to advocate both at?EU and?national level.

The work of the EU Working Group will continue this year.

The first meeting of the EU Working Group on 28 January 2021 had the final goal to start working together, share with participants the workplan for 2021 and the most important appointments at EU level (e.g. FEAD Community, EU Platform on Food Losses and Waste and its sub-groups on Food Donation and Action & Implementation).

The second meeting of the EU Working Group focused more on the outcomes of the first Thematic Seminar of the FEAD Community that took place on 2-3 February 2021 and the most important issues raised for FEBA members in Europe. Moreover, participants discussed on the EU Guidelines on Food Donation and the Recommendations for Action in Food Waste Prevention and their level of implementation at national level.

2021 will be an important and challenging year in Brussels and the FEBA EU Working Group will continue to work together for the interests of FEBA members.