
Belgium: requests for food aid have risen by 15% since January, while donations are falling

Due to rising energy and food prices, more and more people are forced to ask for food aid. Indeed, according to a survey carried out by the Fédération Belge des Banques Alimentaires / Belgische Federatie van Voedselbanken among its 654 affiliated associations, the number of people in need having called upon food aid increased to 204,000 people between 1 January and the end of June. This is an increase of 15% compared to last December. This situation could become even more critical as food donations have fallen sharply in recent months.

While the situation has never been so alarming, from January to May 2022 food donations decreased by 6.5% (607 tonnes) compared to 2021, particularly in the food industry where there was a loss of 277 tonnes of food.

“We advocate for additional tax incentives to encourage food companies and retailers to donate more surplus food. A system similar to the one in France should be put in place, where the net value of donated surplus food as well as storage and transport costs can be taken into account for a tax reduction,” adds Piet Vanthemsche, President of Fédération Belge des Banques Alimentaires / Belgische Federatie van Voedselbanken.

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